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1. Only one waiting patient and his/her companion (one only) will be allowed in the reception area. Other patients may stay in their car or  seats provided outside the clinic. We will call you once  we are ready.


2. Appointment WILL NOT be allowed for patients with:

- underlying critical health condition
- history of fever and cough in the past 14 days
- exposure to COVID patients in the past 14 days
- history of travel to high-risk COVID areas in the past 14 days.


3. All concerns of the patient must be brought up in the RECEPTION AREA ONLY with proper distancing. We discourage talking inside the treatment area unless it is very important. 


4.  Female patients must tie and clip their hair ALWAYS. No hair must be touching your face especially your eyes, nose and mouth.


5. Face mask will be placed in a disposable pouch to be provided by the clinic. DO NOT TOUCH THE INNER PAD OF YOUR MASK,  touch the strap part only.


6. Patients 17 years old and below must be accompanied by their parent/guardian.

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